I There,
very simple and probably stupid question.
I' would like to test netgrid in a vb.net 2010 project.
I added the reference to netgrid in the solution properties, but I can't see the Dapfor Components in the toolbox.
What I'm doing wrong ?
Dear Edoardo,
After adding a reference to Dapfor.Net.dll, compile your project. If there are no Dapfor’ components in the toolbox, you can add them manually via the context menu. To do it, just right-click on the toolbox and select “Choose Items…”.
Then select Dapfor’ components in the .Net Framework Components tab or browse for the Dapfor.Net.dll assembly (usually it is in the C:\Program Files\Dapfor\NetSuite_xxx\bin folder).
.Net Grid should be available in the Toolbox.
Best regards,
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