the issue with drawing the long strings
Hi Team,
It lock like we have the nasty bug with drawing the large string in the string fields.
In case of drawing the long string, for example:
"+E:135000 -> -C:RI135000BL2->[25@5040]-50@5110; +P:RI135000BX2->25@3730-[74@3800]; +S:RIZ2->41@136210-[22@136230]"
"-E:135000 -> +C:RI135000BK2->1@1780-[2@1950]; -P:RI135000BW2->[1@380]-2@420; -S:RIZ2->[287@136610]-79@136620"
the grid stars using very strange algorithm for displaying the distance between the letters...
Sine after some char in the line, we may see the expanding distance between the letters.
I am afraid it is the bug.....
The attached picture shows the problem which marked by red rectangle.
We don't see any problem. All strings are displayed as they should. Neverthless in your example, the text in the cells placed in the center, which is not optimal.
Try to align it to the left:
grid.Headers[0]["column_id"].Appearance.CellTextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
Best regards,
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