Several issues with calculation the bounds for some elements
Hi Team,
As I mentioned already you have build the best grid for the real-time applications. It works very well but have some issues with imaging its elements.
On the attached picture I marked the problems in red color.
1) the merged header is drawn with error in case the last child column is located our of the screen
2) the grid on the second hierarchical level draws its columns with wrong shifting in case of grid on the firs level have the grouped columns.
3) the issue with vertical scrollbar have take place: it appears with wrong full scroll range in case the grid doesn't need the vertical scroll.
The same problems with v2.8.3 in standard example.
Please, see the picture below.
20121006.1750.depfor.standart.png0 -
Thank you,
We'll fix these problems in the next release of the .Net Grid.
Best regards,
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Dear Sirs,
Which version of the grid do you use? What are the steps to reproduce the problem with the vertical scroll bar? Could you provide a small application demonstrating the problem of the vertical scrollbar?
Best regards,
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Dear Team,
I have used the v2.8.3.
You can reproduce the bug with scrollbar and column bounds using your own demo example: "Dapfor.Grid.Demo.exe"
You need to select the section ".Net Grid basic"->"First look", collapse all items except the first one and goup the grid by the field "Order type" (or "Count" + "Order Type")
I attached the picture with visualization the issue. If it is not enough I will try to provide the C# code....
20121017.1450.depfor.standart.png0 -
We've released the version 2.8.4 fixing indicated problems.
Best regards,
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